Static (1999)

Static (1999)

This was an experiment with analog video degeneration. It was one of my earliest video pieces. I had found some old 70's patch programmable video equipment and had dumpstered out other assorted video equipment and cobbled together a mess of a video mixing set-up to make this and other related work. Like a lot of people first coming to video I got caught in a feedback loop, but I also really found a lot of beauty in the degenerated qualities of analog video.

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Static (1999)

This was an experiment with analog video degeneration. It was one of my earliest video pieces. I had found some old 70's patch programmable video equipment and had dumpstered out other assorted video equipment and cobbled together a mess of a video mixing set-up to make this and other related work. Like a lot of people first coming to video I got caught in a feedback loop, but I also really found a lot of beauty in the degenerated qualities of analog video.

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