Lacuna (2008)

Lacuna is an exploration on various possibilities of interactive video performance, enabling the viewer to manipulate a sequence of events that illustrate the process of creation and evolution. Ricardo's research interests developed through a concept described in his BA dissertation as 'Organicity': an 'inter-body' responsible for materializing the encounter of two subjects. This inter-body hosts key strategies to express his concerns regarding the geographical place of identity, the evolution of Man, as well as the bridges between the brain and thought and how we can represent these connections visually.

The overcoming of biological conditions makes the human responsible for his own evolution, detaching himself from the rest of nature in the most peculiar way. Lacuna questions this redefining relationship as it requires a divorce from psychological attachments to our body image, which originates at the 'mirror stage' according to Lacan. In the project Ricardo uses a reflective screen / mirror ...

Full Description

Lacuna is an exploration on various possibilities of interactive video performance, enabling the viewer to manipulate a sequence of events that illustrate the process of creation and evolution. Ricardo's research interests developed through a concept described in his BA dissertation as 'Organicity': an 'inter-body' responsible for materializing the encounter of two subjects. This inter-body hosts key strategies to express his concerns regarding the geographical place of identity, the evolution of Man, as well as the bridges between the brain and thought and how we can represent these connections visually.

The overcoming of biological conditions makes the human responsible for his own evolution, detaching himself from the rest of nature in the most peculiar way. Lacuna questions this redefining relationship as it requires a divorce from psychological attachments to our body image, which originates at the 'mirror stage' according to Lacan. In the project Ricardo uses a reflective screen / mirror to act as a rupture in space in which a narrative unfolds, in the same way that Duchamp uses the Infra-Thin concept on space in The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even.

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