me I (2007)

Artist’s statement After Political Science Degree, I decided to cultivate my passion for painting discovered when I was very young. So I’ve attended the courses of Art Accademy and the European Istitute of Design in Milan where I specialized in illustration. By cultivating my passion for painting I understood that this way of expressing myself rappresents an attempt to inquiry into reality in all its expressions: the emotions deeply rooted in the irrationality of the human unconscious and the connection with the world outside. My paintings allow me to better comprehend my intellectual and sentimental complexities. My favourite subjects are feminine figures: I isolate and fix their essence in a eternal time and immutable space with obsessing brush strokes and a delineated mark. I like using oil because, through its consistency, is perfect to express my anxiety to sink into the essence of life looking for its authenticity. The paintings ...

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Artist’s statement After Political Science Degree, I decided to cultivate my passion for painting discovered when I was very young. So I’ve attended the courses of Art Accademy and the European Istitute of Design in Milan where I specialized in illustration. By cultivating my passion for painting I understood that this way of expressing myself rappresents an attempt to inquiry into reality in all its expressions: the emotions deeply rooted in the irrationality of the human unconscious and the connection with the world outside. My paintings allow me to better comprehend my intellectual and sentimental complexities. My favourite subjects are feminine figures: I isolate and fix their essence in a eternal time and immutable space with obsessing brush strokes and a delineated mark. I like using oil because, through its consistency, is perfect to express my anxiety to sink into the essence of life looking for its authenticity. The paintings selected are choosed from a selfportraits series in which, as I was in front of a mirror, I try to express something deeper than appearance.

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