Artificial (2008)

The subjugate nature of the landscape within the presence of culture exists only within the image. The image can exist within the realm of reality; on the other hand it can suggest reality but remain as a false reality. This work instills the notion of the environment and reflects on human society’s need to alter the environment. How do we define a man-altered/engineered environment, and how do we as a society preserve the natural environment?

Within the body of work, I have chosen to photograph the circuit boards of a computer, which is the base circuitry of a machine. These initial photographs reference the internal structure of a city. They then are reinterpreted through 3-D software into a fantastical landscape, teetering on the edge of real and unreal.

The elements of beauty are used to objectify the subject matter, and connect with the viewer on an intimate level. ...

Full Description

The subjugate nature of the landscape within the presence of culture exists only within the image. The image can exist within the realm of reality; on the other hand it can suggest reality but remain as a false reality. This work instills the notion of the environment and reflects on human society’s need to alter the environment. How do we define a man-altered/engineered environment, and how do we as a society preserve the natural environment?

Within the body of work, I have chosen to photograph the circuit boards of a computer, which is the base circuitry of a machine. These initial photographs reference the internal structure of a city. They then are reinterpreted through 3-D software into a fantastical landscape, teetering on the edge of real and unreal.

The elements of beauty are used to objectify the subject matter, and connect with the viewer on an intimate level. Object as landscapes can be dismantled through the elements of color, line, shape, and space. This very basic idea--objectifying nature, has led me to examine the sources that affect the land.

Several questions have motivated the pursuit of this work: when the computer became mainstream could we as a society predict the effect that technology would have on human society? To what degree have we as humans become dependent on technology, and what will the outcome of this dependence have on human society?

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