The Hella More Funner signature characteristic is the use of thousands of miniature icons compiled together to create a single object. The contrast in dimensions of the icons and the master object ask the viewer to dive deeper into the image, revealing irony and hypocrisyin. This technique enacts a deconstruction of culture deeply engaged with images, a culture which allows images to construct a more whole and reassuring but entirely false image of itself. Drug abuse, subcultures, blip-culture, capitalism, art snobbery and hyped-up fads stand out as themes in Hella More Funner's convoluted compositions. The work can be considered extreme Pop art, a social commentary often focusing on the neo-kitsch trademarks of today's hipster culture: party, sleaze, current affairs. Chaotic overdoses of these icons are filled with color schemes so bright they border on obnoxious. The results are dynamic, intriguing and confrontational. Many pieces incorporate a wide array of influences ...

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The Hella More Funner signature characteristic is the use of thousands of miniature icons compiled together to create a single object. The contrast in dimensions of the icons and the master object ask the viewer to dive deeper into the image, revealing irony and hypocrisyin. This technique enacts a deconstruction of culture deeply engaged with images, a culture which allows images to construct a more whole and reassuring but entirely false image of itself. Drug abuse, subcultures, blip-culture, capitalism, art snobbery and hyped-up fads stand out as themes in Hella More Funner's convoluted compositions. The work can be considered extreme Pop art, a social commentary often focusing on the neo-kitsch trademarks of today's hipster culture: party, sleaze, current affairs. Chaotic overdoses of these icons are filled with color schemes so bright they border on obnoxious. The results are dynamic, intriguing and confrontational. Many pieces incorporate a wide array of influences and processes, which allow for an unpredictability within the work.

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