wind chimes - sound installation @ UCLA's campus (2004)

Wind Chimes - Project Proposal By Martin Bonadeo Ph. D. abstract: Wind chimes is a sound installation that includes an abstraction and re-composition of wind movements during each day played through UCLA’s carillon to be heard across the campus. At UCLA, you are always covered by different wireless networks that connect everything from computers to cell phones. While alone, people is continuously talking in their cell phones, connecting their ears and their attention far from their position in the real world. This project proposes to use the same media that people uses to “escape” from the campus to connect them with details of their real soundscape. By taking hourly measurements of each day’s wind, the project plan is to develop a sonification -a sound representation of this data- and play a 3 minute sound composition through the campus carillon at 5 PM every day for two weeks. more info:

Full Description

Wind Chimes - Project Proposal By Martin Bonadeo Ph. D. abstract: Wind chimes is a sound installation that includes an abstraction and re-composition of wind movements during each day played through UCLA’s carillon to be heard across the campus. At UCLA, you are always covered by different wireless networks that connect everything from computers to cell phones. While alone, people is continuously talking in their cell phones, connecting their ears and their attention far from their position in the real world. This project proposes to use the same media that people uses to “escape” from the campus to connect them with details of their real soundscape. By taking hourly measurements of each day’s wind, the project plan is to develop a sonification -a sound representation of this data- and play a 3 minute sound composition through the campus carillon at 5 PM every day for two weeks. more info:

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