Koinonía: máquina de palabras (Koinonia. Word machine) (2008)

koinonía: Máquina de palabras (Word machine) is an interactive experiment in the development of languages. The work affects the possibility of creating phrases with different pan-Hispanic terms (Mexicanisms), where the game, the meaning and the machines are the conceptual elements that sustain it. Societies have been created from complex rituals and social consensuses, where games have given meaning to words.

The basis of the project is the word as sign of koinoonia, and the game as effective social interaction. The Greek word koinoonia means both ‘community’ and ‘communication’, which indicates the close tie which has always been established between communicating and being in a community. 

Psychologists stress the importance of games in childhood as a means of shaping the personality and learning experimentally to relate in society, to communicate, the solve problems and conflictive situations. All games are models of learning or cooperation situations in which we can recognise ...

Full Description

koinonía: Máquina de palabras (Word machine) is an interactive experiment in the development of languages. The work affects the possibility of creating phrases with different pan-Hispanic terms (Mexicanisms), where the game, the meaning and the machines are the conceptual elements that sustain it. Societies have been created from complex rituals and social consensuses, where games have given meaning to words.

The basis of the project is the word as sign of koinoonia, and the game as effective social interaction. The Greek word koinoonia means both ‘community’ and ‘communication’, which indicates the close tie which has always been established between communicating and being in a community.

Psychologists stress the importance of games in childhood as a means of shaping the personality and learning experimentally to relate in society, to communicate, the solve problems and conflictive situations. All games are models of learning or cooperation situations in which we can recognise situations and rules that are frequently repeated in the real world.

We invite you to participate in this project with your imagination!!!


pssssh pásalo!!!

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