The Wake Interactive (2000)

[t_r_a_s_h] is a creative group based in the confluence of Sweden and Denmark. We are interested in the ability of telling stories by the use of probability rules. Interactivity in everyday life is the ability of choosing what to do whenever you want ... and that is more than clicking on certain points on the screen. How to make this happen is our eternal discussion. The Wake Interactive is the first published experiment that tries to show this effect. Users browse through the internet version of an 8 hours long movie which is based on James Joyce's book "Finnegan's Wake." The stories are different every time you enter the site. There is no beginning and no end, there is no way back, the probability of repetition is zero ... it's a study of randomness and narrativity.

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[t_r_a_s_h] is a creative group based in the confluence of Sweden and Denmark. We are interested in the ability of telling stories by the use of probability rules. Interactivity in everyday life is the ability of choosing what to do whenever you want ... and that is more than clicking on certain points on the screen. How to make this happen is our eternal discussion. The Wake Interactive is the first published experiment that tries to show this effect. Users browse through the internet version of an 8 hours long movie which is based on James Joyce's book "Finnegan's Wake." The stories are different every time you enter the site. There is no beginning and no end, there is no way back, the probability of repetition is zero ... it's a study of randomness and narrativity.

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