Layered Histories: the Wandering Bible of Marseilles (2006)

Layered Histories represents an innovative approach to the use of new media as a means to engage the viewer in a personal investigation of a non-linear narrative. Cascading animations and a diffusion of sound gestures are triggered and guided by a visitor's reading pointer movements around the surface of what appears to be an illuminated manuscript. Active gestures on the surface are mapped to a software interface, designed with Max / MSP / Jitter. As in a public reading, all visitors to the space share in the experience of collectively viewing and listening. Layered Histories tells the imaginary story of an actual 13th century Spanish illuminated Hebrew Bible. Fleeing Spain with the 1492 Expulsion, the Bible was known to be in Safed until the mid 16th century, but then apparently disappeared until it was discovered around 1888 in the Biblioth

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Layered Histories represents an innovative approach to the use of new media as a means to engage the viewer in a personal investigation of a non-linear narrative. Cascading animations and a diffusion of sound gestures are triggered and guided by a visitor's reading pointer movements around the surface of what appears to be an illuminated manuscript. Active gestures on the surface are mapped to a software interface, designed with Max / MSP / Jitter. As in a public reading, all visitors to the space share in the experience of collectively viewing and listening. Layered Histories tells the imaginary story of an actual 13th century Spanish illuminated Hebrew Bible. Fleeing Spain with the 1492 Expulsion, the Bible was known to be in Safed until the mid 16th century, but then apparently disappeared until it was discovered around 1888 in the Biblioth

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