The Pen (2005)

The Pen is a website of free associations about controlling prisoners and animals. It explores the myths and realities of legalized torture and killing. Through interconnected pages, a search for moral responsibility is undertaken that questions our commitment to corporate culture. Several threads are pursued with respect to the conflict between the individual and the state's economic executioner: (1) The artifacts of executions such as electricity, the afterlife, and animality; (2) the Christian foundations of Western acceptance of capital punishment; (3) the ideology shared by Nazi genocide and U.S. executions; and (4) U.S. immigration policy as it is refracted through personal journeys across the Mexican border with Texas. For navigation purposes, "up" is linked to the realm of the executed and each button on an inmate page links to the first of a circle of pages on one of the four themes. Each page in a circle of themed pages ...

Full Description

The Pen is a website of free associations about controlling prisoners and animals. It explores the myths and realities of legalized torture and killing. Through interconnected pages, a search for moral responsibility is undertaken that questions our commitment to corporate culture. Several threads are pursued with respect to the conflict between the individual and the state's economic executioner: (1) The artifacts of executions such as electricity, the afterlife, and animality; (2) the Christian foundations of Western acceptance of capital punishment; (3) the ideology shared by Nazi genocide and U.S. executions; and (4) U.S. immigration policy as it is refracted through personal journeys across the Mexican border with Texas. For navigation purposes, "up" is linked to the realm of the executed and each button on an inmate page links to the first of a circle of pages on one of the four themes. Each page in a circle of themed pages hangs by an "up" link from a different inmate page.

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