pockets full of memories (2001)

Database installation in which the audience contributes a digitized image of an object in their possession with descriptions input through a questionnaire. The sum of the archive of objects is continuously re-organized on the large projection in the museum, positioning objects of similar descriptions near each other. The archive of objects can be viewed in the museum and accessed on the internet where the public can add comments to each object.

Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, Rotterdam (2003); Ars Electronica, Linz (2003); Aura, C3 Center for Culture & Communication, Budapest (2003); Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki (2004); Cornerhouse Gallery, Manchester (2005); Frankfurt Museum of Communication (2006); Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei (2007)

Full Description

Database installation in which the audience contributes a digitized image of an object in their possession with descriptions input through a questionnaire. The sum of the archive of objects is continuously re-organized on the large projection in the museum, positioning objects of similar descriptions near each other. The archive of objects can be viewed in the museum and accessed on the internet where the public can add comments to each object.

Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, Rotterdam (2003); Ars Electronica, Linz (2003); Aura, C3 Center for Culture & Communication, Budapest (2003); Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki (2004); Cornerhouse Gallery, Manchester (2005); Frankfurt Museum of Communication (2006); Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei (2007)

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