The Net Rush: Homecoming. (2000)

The Net Rush: Homecoming is a two-book collection of visual haiku (eku). This collection of poems was created with the process of Ekphrasis poetry in mind. "Ekphrasis can be defined as art within art; the act of exercising one art form (poetry) to bring life to other art forms (paintings, sculptures, music, and dance)."

This process was first appears in the Golden Age of Greece. Now at the age of Aquarius, humankind has evolved toward new technological advances for expressions and mediums; digital and the Internet. Now, artisans can give a new meaning to the process of Ekphrasis.

"Xfrasis" was coined from a Greek term "Ekphrasis." Xfrasis plans to quilt poetry, visual arts and music to the text based information highway. 'Xfrasis

Full Description

The Net Rush: Homecoming is a two-book collection of visual haiku (eku). This collection of poems was created with the process of Ekphrasis poetry in mind. "Ekphrasis can be defined as art within art; the act of exercising one art form (poetry) to bring life to other art forms (paintings, sculptures, music, and dance)."

This process was first appears in the Golden Age of Greece. Now at the age of Aquarius, humankind has evolved toward new technological advances for expressions and mediums; digital and the Internet. Now, artisans can give a new meaning to the process of Ekphrasis.

"Xfrasis" was coined from a Greek term "Ekphrasis." Xfrasis plans to quilt poetry, visual arts and music to the text based information highway. 'Xfrasis

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