Faculty/Student Web Project


Krista Hoefle:

Announcing a collaborative faculty and student
web project sponsored by the Center for
Women's Intercultural Leadership (Saint Mary's College,
Notre Dame, IN)...

Saint Mary's College Department of Art faculty and students--Profs. Julie Tourtillotte and Krista Hoefle with students Emily Fannon
and Kristin Stransky--will be attending the Transmediale
Digital Art Festival in Berlin, Germany as 'g.volt--girls
engaged in the digital art r/evolution'--from February 2-8,
2006. Track their ongoing adventures via blog, photos,
and virtual maps updated regularly at their website--
www.gvolt.org--beginning Thursday, Feb. 2nd.

Please contribute to our database of emerging digital media artists by submitting your url...follow the "submit this" button off of our splash page at www.gvolt.org!

Originally posted on Rhizome.org Raw by Krista Hoefle