CSS Destroy!

Bizarro CSS hacks to be found here:


This all seems pretty cool. I should say that right now I can't even see most of them 'cause I'm sitting at a Wintel box using MSIE 5. (Ech.) But using a gigantic bullet as a background circle ("The CSS Rounded Box") is kind of awesomely clever and kind of endearingly useless. As a big CSS fan I love this sort of wonkery. It also gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to see entries that say things like:

Works in: Opera 7.x/W, Firebird 0.6/W, Mozilla 1.4/W, Safari 1.0
Fails in: Internet Explorer, Konqueror 3.1
Crashes: Netscape 7.0/Mac

Hey, people kind of have a choice as to what browser they can use today! When the heck did that happen?




this is my fave:

"…rip that canvas, boyo!"


from the author:

Pros: Useful for meditations on the nature of the Universe.

Cons: Perfectly useless. Finally I have reached my CSS Nirvana of
creating a totally useless effect. I don't think I'll ever
beat this record…

>Bizarro CSS hacks to be found here:
>This all seems pretty cool. I should say that right now I can't even
>see most of them 'cause I'm sitting at a Wintel box using MSIE 5.
>(Ech.) But using a gigantic bullet as a background circle ("The CSS
>Rounded Box") is kind of awesomely clever and kind of endearingly
>useless. As a big CSS fan I love this sort of wonkery. It also gives
>me a warm fuzzy feeling to see entries that say things like:
>Works in: Opera 7.x/W, Firebird 0.6/W, Mozilla 1.4/W, Safari 1.0
>Fails in: Internet Explorer, Konqueror 3.1
>Crashes: Netscape 7.0/Mac
>Hey, people kind of have a choice as to what browser they can use
>today! When the heck did that happen?
