
Thank you, Mr. President.

Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, distinguished colleagues, I would like to begin by expressing my thanks for the special effort that each of you made to be here today.

I cannot tell you everything that we know. But what I can share with you, when combined with what all of us have learned over the years, is deeply troubling.

What you will see is an accumulation of facts and disturbing patterns of behavior. The facts on Iraq's behavior demonstrate that Saddam Hussein and his regime have made no effort – no effort – to disarm as required by the international community.

Indeed, the facts and Iraq's behavior show that Saddam Hussein and his regime are concealing their efforts to produce more weapons of mass destruction.

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. chair, general Mr. secretaire, distinguished colleagues, I would like to start by expressing my mercies of the special effort that each one of you made to be here today. I cannot say to you only we know. But what I can divide with you, once combined with what all taught us during years, worries deeply. What you will see is an accumulation of the facts and worrying modes of the behavior. The facts on the behavior of Iraq show that Saddam Hussein and its mode did not make any effort – no effort – disarm according to requirements' of the international community. Indeed, the facts and the behavior of Iraq prove that Saddam Hussein and its mode hide their efforts to produce more weapons of destruction of mass.

Thanks, Mr. Chair. Mr. Stuhl, general gentleman, I would like to begin secretaire, remarkable colleagues, by meaning mercies of the special effort expressed, which let everyone of you be here today. I cannot say to you, only, which we know. But which I can divide with you, once combined with which all taught us during the years, worry themselves deeply. Which you see, an accumulation of the facts and the concerns is modes of the behavior. The facts on the behavior of the Iraq show that Saddam Hussein and its mode did not let an effort – no effort – disarm according to requirements of the international community. Indeed the facts and the behavior examines from the Iraq that Saddam Hussein and its mode hide their efforts to produce more weapons of the destruction of the mass.

Thankses, Sig. Chair. The sig. Stuhl, general getlteman, I would want to begin secretaire, remarkable colleagues, meaning the mercies of the expressed special effort, than they have left all being you here today. I cannot say you, only, that we know. But that I can divide with you, united once with which all they have taught to us during the years, preoccupisi deeply. Which you see, an accumulation of the facts and of the worries it is ways of the behavior. The facts on the behavior of the Iraq indicate that Saddam Hussein and the relative way has not left one effort – no effort – to second disarm requirement of the international Community. Effectively the facts and the behavior examine from the Iraq that Saddam Hussein and the relative way hides their efforts to produce more crews of the destruction of the mass.

Thankses, Sig. Chair. Sig. General Stuhl, getlteman, I would want to start secretaire, colleagues notables, meaning mercies of the expressed special effort, of that they had left everything that is you here today. I cannot say it, only, that we know. But this that I can divide myself with you, joined a time with which all they in had taught them during the years, preoccupisi deeply. Which you see, an accumulation of the facts and of she worries it it is ways it behavior. The facts in the behavior of the Iraq indicate this Saddam Hussein and the relative way did not leave an effort – no effort – to second disarms the requirement of the international community. Efficiently the facts and the behavior examine of the Iraq that Saddam Hussein and the relative way hides its efforts to produce more groups of the destruction of the mass.

Thankses, Sig. Chair. Sig. General Stuhl, getlteman, would wish to begin secretaire, remarkable people of the colleagues, meaning mercies of the expressed special effort, of which they had left everything you are you here today. I cannot say it, only, that we know. But this that I can be divided with you, assembled a time with which all they in had taught during the years, preoccupisi deeply. Which you see, an accumulation of the facts and about she the one worries that is ways he behavior. The facts in the behavior of Iraq indicate this Saddam Hussein and the relative way did not leave a effort – no effort – to second disarms the requirement of the international community. Efficiently the facts and the behavior examine of Iraq that Saddam Hussein and the hidden relative way its efforts to produce more groups of the destruction of the mass.

Thankses, Sig. Flesh. Sig. The Stuhl General, getlteman, would wish to begin the s__cr__taire, remarkable people of the colleagues, wanting to say mercies of the expressed special effort, of which they had left very that you are you here today. I cannot say it, only, only we know. But this which I can be divided with you, joined together one period it where all they in taught during the years, preoccupisi deeply. What you see, an accumulation facts and approximately it that that worries which are manners it behavior. The facts in the behavior of Iraq indicate this Saddam Hussein and the relative manner did not leave an effort – no effort – to the second disarms the condition of the international community. Effectively the facts and the behavior examine in Iraq this Saddam Hussein and the relative way hidden its efforts to produce more groups of the destruction of the mass.

Thankses, Sig. Flesh. Sig. Chair, which is general, getlteman, would like s__cr__taire, which begin remarkable people the colleagues and mercies of the expressed special effort wished says, of which it had very much left that you are you here today. I cannot it say, only, only we know. But this, which can be divided me with you, together connected one period it, where all informed it inside during the years, preoccupisi deeply. Which you see, an accumulation facts and there that, which worries itself, the way it behavior are approximate. The facts in the behavior of the Iraq do not indicate this Saddam Hussein and the relative way left to an effort – no effort – the second disarm the condition of the international community. Effectively the facts and the behavior in the Iraq examines this Saddam Hussein and the relative way, which are hidden to produce its efforts, more groups of the destruction of the mass.