Art History Student Seeks Help With Project

Hello. I am a student at Westminster Choir College/Rider University in Princeton, NJ. I am taking a class called "Art in the News" with Dr. Richard Swain. This class involves current events in the art world. My project for this class is to make a presentation about digital/internet art and in particular. I am seeking a couple of artists who have experience with Rhizome to interview and cover in this report. If you are interested, please e-mail me. Thank you all for your time!


, Melissa Hayes

Hello. I am a student at Westminster Choir College/Rider University and I am currently taking a class called "Art in the News" with Dr. Richard Swain. This class delves into current events in the art world. For my project for this class, I am covering digital/internet art and the Rhizome community in particular. I am seeking artists who have experience with Rhizome to be interviewed and have their art featured in my project. If you are interested, please e-mail me. Thank you for your time!