Not the queen or the pope

You dingbats! I've been right here in front of your face the Whole time! (John McArdle) "bAByLoN joHN" RHIZOME disscussion thread posts, etc. my art(videos)my current band "YAK ReMiX." Cable public access Television series (a punk rock comedy) "THE DESTRUCTIVE IMPULSE SHOW" on the air live for approx: 5 years on Pegasys channel 13 ITHACA N.Y. you idiots! wake up! Jeepers freaking christmas what do i have to do? draw a freaking picture? DUH? HERE IT IS untouched waiting to be syndicated. Quit smoking weed and GET ON IT! ……….. john mcardle ph # 607 863 4005 e-mail [email protected] snail mail J.F.Mc P.O.BOX #13 13863-0013.