d/y ethereal radio broadcast #91: Diluvial


, Max Herman

Hi Curt,

I don't know any of these songs. I listen only to classical music or my own songs now by a kind of arbitrary rule. However, I recently used "Changes" by David Bowie in a Powerpoint for work. I notice that rock music has a very strong impact on me now that I never listen to it. I actually hear most of what I hear of it at the laundromat, though your recent post reminded me of "Heaven is a Truck," which I know parts of by memory because I used to like that album a lot. Ceci Moss's (I think) recent feature item reminded me of the Rush song, because I'd recently heard that at the laundromat. Also coincidentally I was reading a book with that Turner painting on the cover on January 1. Today I listened to Bach and Mussorgsky, now off to go skating if it's not too cold.

Max Herman
The Genius 2000 Network
Le Cafe online now


, Max Herman

Also, I had this thought today that maybe Hillary Clinton can be positively thought of as a "mother eagle," as her moniker, like they said Thatcher was the "Iron Lady." Did anyone else think of this yet? All I saw on the search engine was a wedding photo site. I like Patrick Moynihan too, so if Hillary is kind of in his tradition which I think she is, not just the same senate seat, then she could be thought of as the "mother eagle." I like that image of her.

Another fragment, does anyone think that the original name for YouTube was "Me TV"? I think that could have been considered and then rejected because it doesn't have the right coolness factor or vibe, it's too frumpy. The current name almost seems just to be a strict lexical compensation for the drawbacks of the "Me TV" name.

Max Herman
The Genius 2000 Network
Le Cafe online now


, Max Herman


Hi Curt, I may go listen to this one since I had the uppitiness to declaim on it. Also I think the idea of Diluvial is a good concept. They had some major flooding here in my state last year. Some roads got washed out and people driving along just drove right into a thirty foot deep pit where the road was. That's pretty severe.

Max Herman
The Genius 2000 Network
Le Cafe online now


, Archive Registrar

Hi Max,

This is a wonderful google image search that gets progressively stranger at subsequent pages:

The diluvial audio mix is actually mostly "classical" music (Reich and Schwitters), with the Minutemen as counterpoint and Bowie as Puck in the epilogue. To me, the Minutemen are a wonderful strain of twice-derivative pop music (spawned from a confluence of Steely Dan [derivative of Duke Ellington], CCR [derivative of Blind Lemon Jefferson], and a swill of bad Hollywood punk bands). The diluvial mix is a kind of a neo-Merz/Dada response to this Massumi essay:

"a thin but fabulous hope–of ourselves becoming realer than real in a monstrous contagion of our own making." (Brian Massumi, 1987)

"Look out at your children
See their faces in golden rays
Don't kid yourself, they belong to you
They're the start of the coming race
The earth is a bitch
We finished our news
Homo sapiens have outgrown their use
All the strangers came today
And it looks as though they're here to stay"
(David Bowie, 1971)

Rock & Roll Ain't No Pollution,
Archive Registrar

, Max Herman


That brings us up to four on this one! I wonder if maybe I just am too susceptible for certain things in my old age and have to catch up in other areas like reciting sonnets and painting my miniature orange tree. I'm a fanatic for anything that will reduce my stress and keep me calm and tranquil during the long office week. Otherwise you know, it's grump city.

Max Herman
The Genius 2000 Network
Le Cafe online now
