Variant magazine

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Point your browser towards Variant, Scotland's leading independent arts

Variant is a magazine of cross-currents in culture: critical thinking,
imaginative ideas, independent media and artistic interventions.

Variant is an independently produced 'art' magazine, which is
distributed free in the UK and abroad. We take art to mean culture and
how culture is formed, Variant makes a contribution to this through the
work of our writers. Variant is not run by the Arts Council or a
district council; this gives the magazine more freedom of expression:
the freedom to criticise is something which is dying out in the UK.
Variant is produced by a small group of individuals with the support of
the artistic community. We feel that Variant can also be appreciated by
a broader public. All of the contributors are individuals working in the
visual arts. The writing in the magazine is 'critical'; we see this as
meaning that it should function as a forum for writers to document,
report, explore, analyse and express their ideas and arguments. We
welcome contributions and also criticisms of the magazine itself from
our readers.

e-mail: [email protected]