Databank of the Everyday

Announcing the availability of the CD-ROM "Databank of the Everyday" by
Natalie Bookchin

*** Now available for viewing in the comfort of your home, your office,
your home office or your office which is really your home away from
home. ***

"Databank of the Everyday" takes as its subject the real everyday uses
of computers in our culture: storage, transmission, dissemination and
filtration of massive bodies of information.

The project reflects on what media – from photography to computers –
have always attempted to do: represent, organize and catalogue life into
well defined lists and categories.

"Databank of the Everyday" presents the ultimate databank, one with no
conceivable limits: a databank of Life Itself; not in an altered
idealized state, but rather, at its most prosaic. Modeled after
commercial image databanks with their all encompassing and generic
categories such as "People at Leisure,","Nine to Five" and "Nature", the
Databank's categories are no less all encompassing and include "Wasting
Time," "Nervous Habits," and "Antonyms."

For a multimedia introduction to "Databank of the Everyday" visit:

To obtain a copy of your very own contact Natalie Bookchin at
[email protected].