NEWSFLASH: Jean Baudrillard Dead

Jean Baudrillard died Tuesday, his publishing house said (did anyone else know?)
Joe Edit


, Miron Ghiu


This news first appeared on one of my blogs I contribute to (yet experimental and non-public) ( - i can send you an invite, even if the blog is in Romanian), a (collective) blog of very niche information concerning various contemporary topics.

It was the update of 07.03.2007:

(original post, including labels) / (followed by a translation)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Pomo Stuff - Baudrillard ist Tot / goes Meta

Jean Baudrillard, unul dintre cei mai importanti teoreticieni media si filosofi ai ultimilor 50 de ani, a murit ieri, 06.03.07, din cauze naturale. Baudrillard este celebru pentru tezele sale in care sustine ca, la o adica, razboiul din Golf putea foarte bine sa nu aiba loc in realitate, pentru ca "media" ar fi putut sa-l produca oricum. Valoarea lui pentru postmodernism si definirea teoretica a primelor valuri media este, practic, imposibil de cuantificat pentru ca se cere parcursa. Se poate porni de aici.

Posted by Miron at 10:15 AM 0 comments

Labels: french philosophy, future, Jean Baudrillard, media, new medias, philosophy, pomo, postmodernism

Tag-like traslation:

Jean Baudrillard, one of the most important media theorist and philosopher for the past 50 years, died yesterday, 06.03.07, of natural causes. Baudrillard is famous for his thesis concerning the Gulf War, who could either take or either not take place for real, because the media could already produce it, anyway. His value for postmodernism and the theoretical definitions of the first media waves is, basically impossible to be cuantified because it must be, at first, covered. You can start from here. (

The news also made it to on another romanian blog :)

This is it.

Hope that, when this blog (, yet a private and "in beta mode" blog) will go public (and translated) it will be a premium niche network news platform.


Miron Ghiu