Saints be Praised?

New on The Hyperliterature Exchange for August 2006: a review of 'Broken Saints', an epic 24-part 12-hour-long Flash-animated comic book, which has been visited on the Web by more than five million people, and has sold more than 10,000 copies on DVD. A new DVD version, distributed by Fox, is published this month.

"Senecan tragedy is a useful point of reference for Broken Saints because it shares the same preoccupation with bloody violence, particularly violence within the family. At the end of Broken Saints a deranged father pulls out one of his daughter's eyes, wires up her brain to the Internet and hangs her on a crucifix made out of computer monitors as part of his attempt to achieve world-domination: a climax so lurid and grotesque that even Seneca might have found it hard to outdo."

To read the whole review, go to .

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- Edward Picot
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