Unanswered Questions

New on The Hyperliterature Exchange for November 2005: Edward Picot reviews "Inanimate Alice", a new media fiction from Kate Pullinger and Babel, and "Aftershocks", a new media murder documentary from Martha Deed.

"Both 'Inanimate Alice' and 'Aftershocks' use unanswered questions as a technique for capturing our attention. They exploit the fact that when things are left unresolved, we feel more obliged to read on, in search of a resolution. But both stories go further than simply arousing our curiosity…"

To read the whole review, go to http://hyperex.co.uk/reviewafteralice.php .

The Hyperliterature Exchange is an online directory and review of new media literature for sale on the Web. More than 120 works are now listed. Please visit and browse at http://hyperex.co.uk .

- Edward Picot
personal website - http://edwardpicot.com