live /// time-shifted

Dear Church Family,
On Saturday, December 11 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM we will be feeding
the homeless at the DSS Building on Coxe Avenue in Asheville. Please
remember to bring all gloves and knitted hats for the homeless this
Sunday. A brightly colored box is in the foyer for your donations. If
you wish to give toward these purchases, please designate such on
your envelope.

The menu will be ham, green beans, slaw, dressing, rolls, drink and
dessert. I will heat the ham; the twins will get the slaw and rolls;
Loretta is making the dressing; Kelly is doing the dessert and Vaughn
& Tina will be doing the beverage. A bag of fruit will be given to
each person.

I need three volunteers to cook the green beans. I will bring the
beans on Sunday. Please let me know if you wish to help.

Have a blessed day!

