"'I will be on the ferry" - Lev Manovich re. ISEA2004

'I will be on the ferry because when I attended the ISEA94 in Helsinki, as a
part of the conference we also had a 3 day ferry trip to St. Petersburg.
It was the best conference experience I had in my life!'
-Lev Manovich, Associate Professor, Visual Arts Department, UCLA


ISEA2004 conferences in Helsinki and Tallinn, and on a luxurious cruiser
ferry connecting them, are key elements of the 12th International Symposium
on Electronic Arts (August 14th-22nd). ISEA2004 starts with the electrified
Interfacing Sound cruise from Helsinki to Stockholm, after which the
Networked Experience cruise from Stockholm to Tallinn via Mariehamn inspires
a range of panels, poster sessions and workshops. Networking sessions will
also, for example, be hosted by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
the Asia Europe Foundation..

After two dazzling nights on the ferry, ISEA2004 participants convene in
Tallinn to cover the themes of Wearable Experience, Geopolitics of Media and
Critical Interdisciplines: research/science, art and collaboration.
Wearable technologies are explored through project presentations of
state-of-the art ubiquitous computing in fashion and cultural practices.
Issues of technology and embodiment provide a critical context to this
discussion. Geopolitics of media looks at the ways in which new media
practices reflect diverse media geographies and their relation to real life
locations, globalization and activism. Part of the agenda of ISEA2004 is to
assess where new media culture and arts are at the moment. To this end the
Critical Interdisciplines theme digs deep into the questions of
relationships of computer engineering, design, media studies, anthropology
and new theories emanating from natural sciences in relation to networked
and other new media practices. Tallinn keynote speakers include Arturo
Escobar (Colombia/USA) and Sarah Kember (UK).

After Tallinn sessions, ISEA2004 culminates in Helsinki, exactly ten years
after ISEA94, when the net was still an emergent field. This time Wireless
Experience, Histories of the New, Open Source and Software as Culture and
Critical Interaction Design will be explored.

Wireless experience maps current emerging cultural and social practices of
mobile and other wireless media such as radio and WiFi networks. A key theme
is how wireless experience is enabling new ways to approach urban cultures
and turn public spaces into "writable and participatory media".
Histories of the new is a key theme to unravel not only the recent ten years
of change within the Networked experience, but to look at diverse local
histories of creative "new" media use since the 1960s. The theme also
explores the very logic of how new technologies become integrated into the
social and the cultural "sediments" of everyday life experience.

Critical interaction design seeks to foreground critical discourse and work
around sensitive, contextual, critical work on interactivity. It is also a
platform for dialogue bringing together interface designers, computer
scientists, media and cultural theorists as well as media artists (who are
often hybrids of these). Open source software as culture addresses politics,
economical or legal logic, and various cultural and social politics
regarding open source, and software at large. The theme positions software
as a cultural and a political object and as a subject for debate.
Helsinki keynotes include Erkki Huhtamo (Finland/USA), Wendy Hui Kyong Chun
(USA), Shuddhabrata Sengupta (India) and Matthew Fuller (UK).

***To download the conference programme by sessions, visit our website:


By combining the conference with the cruise, you will not only experience
the full journey but save money on tickets. Our FULL EXPERIENCE offer to you

- ISEA2004 conferences in Tallinn and Helsinki: 100,00 euros

- ISEA2004 cruise: 2 nights, 2 buffet dinners, 2 breakfasts on the ferry:
204,00 euros

- Fast ferry from Tallinn to Helsinki: 20,00 euros

— !!! Your entire ISEA2004 package, a full week of business and
pleasure;-) 324,00 EUROS PER PERSON !!! —


Book on-line before FRIDAY MAY 28 at http://www.isea2004.net/tickets.
Please note that there is a limited availability in this cabin category. On
the website, you will find more information on pricing, including different
cabin categories and accommodation possibilities in Tallinn and Helsinki.


If you wish to make a group reservation for several cabins, contact me at
[email protected] or by telephone +358 40 719 2280. I am happy to save your
time and take care of your booking arrangements.

Warm regards,
Mika Minetti + ISEA2004 crew