Fwd: {PDPal} Celebration

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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Carol Stakenas <[email protected]>
> Date: Mon Oct 6, 2003 12:31:16 PM US/Eastern
> To: Carol Stakenas <[email protected]>
> Subject: {PDPal} Celebration
> ——————
> Creative Time
> would like to invite you
> to celebrate the launch of
> PDPal
> by
> Marina Zurkow, Scott Paterson, Julian Bleecker & Adam Chapman
> with an opening in Times Square at
> Noche
> 1604 Broadway (bet. 48th and 49th Streets)
> Thursday, October 9, 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
> cash bar
> PDPal (Personal Digital Pal) is a multi-component public art project
> that allows audiences to create playful logs of their daily encounters
> in the dazzling urban environment of Times Square.