Intimacy: Across Visceral and Digital Performance

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[size=40]Intimacy: Across Visceral and Digital Performance.[/size]

Discussion Forum Open!

As a precursor to the series of events that take place in December an
online discussion is taking place on our Digital Arts and Humanities

Join now to contribute.

To kick things off, Intimacy organisers Maria
Chatzichristodoulou [aka maria x] and Rachel Zerihan have kindly agreed
to appear online for an interview to discuss the event and to give their
responses to the theme of ‘being intimate’ in contemporary performance.

This forum is fully open for your questions and responses and seeks to
draw together scholars, researchers, artists and audiences with the
intention of sparking a lively discussion that can contribute to and
feed from the three-day Intimacy event in December. Upload as you will
to this discussion, thanks to the AHRC the forum has the facility to
host Video and Sound files as well as the written word.

Some questions that might get addressed are:

How do new technologies alter, enhance or degrade our relationships to
our bodies and to the bodies of others? What does it mean to have
‘virtual body’ in online communities such as Second Life? Indeed is it
even appropriate to talk of ‘virtual bodies’? The issues are ripe for
discussion and we need your input!

Come December this forum will develop further, featuring streaming
footage and podcasts for those who cannot attend in person, we want your
responses to these events. No doubt the live discussions will spill
over onto the forum and it will be an ideal place to make that point you
didn’t get a chance to when you we there in the room!

With a full programme of digital and live art allied with workshops,
seminars and the Sunday symposium there should me much to engage with.
The full programme of events can be found on the Intimacy website

About Intimacy
INTIMACY is a three-day digital and live art programme made to elicit
connectivity, induce interaction and provoke debate between cutting edge
artists, performers, leading scholars, respected researchers, creative
thinkers and local community. A culturally urgent series of events,
Intimacy is designed to address a diverse set of responses to the notion
of ‘being intimate’ in contemporary performance and as such, in life.
Framed as a forum for artists, scholars, community workers, performers,
cultural practitioners, researchers and creative thinkers, Intimacy will
feature workshops, seminars, performances, and a 1-day symposium at
Goldsmiths College, Laban, and the Albany during December 7th-9th, 2007.

Featuring performances, workshops, seminars and a symposium, Intimacy
invites scholars, researchers, artists and audiences to enable the
interrogation and creative exploration of formal, aesthetic and
affective modes of performing intimacy now.