Call for proposals from artists and curators: 2011-2012

319 Scholes is currently accepting proposals from artists and curators for group exhibitions scheduled for November 2011 onward.  319 Scholes is a 3,000 sq. ft renovated warehouse located in the heart of Bushwick, Brooklyn.  The space is two floors and three rooms, one with a skylight.  Please submit a brief concept (no more than 300 words) outlining the proposed exhibition or event.  Optional: CV, artist list with links.
We are particularly interested in proposals that uniquely engage technology and consider these topics/mediums:  human and computer interaction, sound, new media and internet art, dance, education, workshops, site-specific and community-based projects.  
Please review our website to get an idea of previous shows, and view our Facebook page for additional images of the space.  
Deadline:  March 1st
Notification by March 15th
Applications can be sent to [email protected].