re-new 2011

Digital Arts Festival
We invite visual artists, performers, musicians and composers working in digital media in its many forms to propose works for re-new 2011. The event will take place May 17-22 2011 in Copenhagen, and we are looking for groundbreaking works in combinations of digitally enhanced music, video and installations in collaborative, distributed and site-specific art. Emphasis is on non-traditional genres, and submissions are accepted in all categories including any not mentioned here: we want works that challenge and expand current vocabulary and practice of digital creation, performance and consumption.

re-new 2011 has several venues for a variety of performance and presentation possibilities. We will seek to present the selected works at the best possible venue, but submitters are welcome to indicate preferred venue(s) on the submission form.

Important dates
•December 19 2010 - submission closes
•January 17 2011 - notification
•January 31 2011 - program announcement