
time for responsibility

by en bloc | Simona Koch 2007
Simona Koch, new media artist, lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

coding by

About resp.

We are living in a world, which is getting more and more fast and complex. The speed of technical developments is increasing and the enormous amounts of information we are confronted with make it even more difficult for man to digest them and deal with in daily life. This leads to that one can hardly see the effect of his own actions to the big whole. The single person doesn’t see himself responsible for his actions, but the ruling authorities.
Is it possible, in a complex information society, to spread or receive lasting information, to make out the connections of the own actions to the superordinated context and take the responsibility?

The project uses an ancient way of information transfer - the pyramid scheme - with direct personal contact, to stand out from the huge amount of information. The participation is voluntary and not combined with obligations like chain letters.

The process

At the beginning of the project Simona Koch is arranging invitations in the cities of Berlin, Munich, Nuremberg, Vienna and Zurich. In each city 3 to 6 people are invited to a common evening, standing under the topic "time for responsibility". The invitation gives the possibility to discuss about this topic. At the end the discussion will be summarized as a short text at the website. Then the guests turn to hosts and invite themselves 3 to 6 people and use the conclusion of the invitation they took part as a topic for their own invitation. With this principle the project goes on until the process dies. On the website one can obtain all reports and see how the original topic developed in different directions.

So an independent growing organism is created. People are the building blocks, conversations connect them and the website makes the process visible - thus the single person can see his connection to the big whole.

The project initiation by Simona Koch in Vienna has been held at
Austrian Association of Women Artists, Vienna, Austria
on July 25th, 2007

Invited guests:
Christoph Kolar, student of post-conceptual art practices
Andreas Landl, chief editor
accompanied by Doro Erharter, architect
Mareike Spilger, student of international development
Evelin Stermitz, media artist
Karin Sulimma, sculptress