Provocative Objects: the extradition

On Friday, November 12, 2010 { 10 | 11 | 12 } in The Patricia Doran Gallery at The Massachusetts College of Art and Design, please join us for the cyberSurreal, interdisciplinary and immersive exhibit-event & experience:

Provocative Objects: the extradition

Gallery doors will open at 6pm for the official reception and performative fun. The full event functionality will officially run until 10pm { or beyond } with a casual afterparty celebration to follow at a nearby area venue.

Co-curated by The Dynamic Media Institute's veryOwn David Tamés and lou suSi, Provocative Objects thusfar includes the eclectic works of Alison Kotin { DMI }, Courtney Lockemer { SIM }, Ellen Godena { Mobius }, Scott Murray { DMI and beyond }, Colin Owens { DMI and Shapemix }, Joshua Dolby { caughtYOUpicking | }, Phillippe Lejeune, David Tamés, lou suSi, Laugh Foundation and other artists, designers & performers. Featured musical act: Stereo Soul Future { including CK Field from DMI }.

We are currently accepting informal but professional calls for work and participation for Provocative Objects. To submit a proposal, contact lou suSi via email at cheese at hotsects dot com. Here is the short, original email-delivered description of the show & the sort of work we're looking to inspire & include:

We are looking for pieces that instigate the viewer-participant-gallerygoer or blur the line and leave the audience wondering. Physical traditional art objects — dynamic prototypes — video, performative and conceptual work — we’re looking to collect an eclectic body of work to provoke viewer-participant exploration, thought, discussion and interaction. There will be a vaguely-defined ‘stageSpace’ for certain event-related ‘performances’ throughout the evening as well as numerous ‘objects’ or installations.

For more information, feel free to call lou at 617.750.2922 or email cheese at hotsects dot com. More information to follow at this page and other social web & 'out there' augmented informational destinations.

We hope to see you there!