Exhibition: New Directions from China at [plug.in] Basel


New Directions from China
China new media art
05/06/07 to 06/17/07
[plug.in], Basel, Switzerland

With works by Zhang Peili, Geng Jianyi, Huang Shi, Miao Xiaochun, spylab
(Benjamin Bacon / Huang Haiyan), Wu Juehui, Jin Jiangbo, Lu Yang.
Curator: Zhang Ga

Opening / lecture
Contemporary China: art and technology
Lecture by Zhang Ga on the occasion of the opening of «New Directions from
Saturday, May 5th, 6pm
Opening reception afterwards (7pm).

Panel discussion on the conditions of new media art in China.
06/15/07, 2pm (during Art Basel)
With Jin Jiangbo, Lu Yang, Wu Juehui, Zhang Peili und Zhang Ga.

Despite the boom of Chinese contemporary Art, new media art from China is
still little known. «New Directions from China» is the first group show of
its kind in Europe. It was curated by Zhang Ga, the artistic director of the
China International New Media Arts Exhibition 2008 at the National Art
Museum of China in Beijing.

"New Direction from China is the first attempt to bring an exhibition of
Chinese artists working exclusively in the area of new media to the European
audience. The exhibition is comprised of works from both established as well
as emerging artists from Mainland China. By presenting a body of
exemplifying works, it is my hope to introduce to the West a glimpse of the
new direction of artistic endeavor from China, though nascent, yet already
manifesting great potential and refreshing vitality. The exhibition is
conceived to inspire active dialogues among media art communities and to
embark on a discourse of the open art work seen from culturally and
historically disparate contexts and traditions."
Zhang Ga

The Exchange between Artists from China and Switzerland was made possible by
the generous support by Pro Helvetia.


St. Alban-Rheinweg 64
CH 4052 Basel, Switzerland
Tel. ++41 (0) 61 283 60 50 / Fax. 51
http://www.iplugin.org / [email protected]
