Jeanne van Heeswijk / artist talk & open house / May 4

  • Type: event
  • Starts: May 4 2007 at 12:00AM
Dutch Conceptual artist Jeanne van Heeswijk works on socially committed art projects that take place in public space. She is the 2003 Dutch representative to the Venice Biennale and is currently working in New York with Martin Lucas and the Small Change collective to initiate a public space project.

artist talk & tiltfactor Open House
Friday, May 4
3:30 - 5:30pm

@ tiltfactor lab
Hunter North 482
Hunter College

Jeanne van Heeswijk is a visual artist who creates contexts for interaction in public spaces. Her projects distinguish themselves through a strong social engagement.
With her work, van Heeswijk stimulates and develops cultural production and creates new public (meeting-) spaces or remodels existing ones. To achieve this, she often works closely with artists, software developers, governments and citizens. She regularly lectures on topics such as urban renewal, participation and cultural production.

Take the 6 train to 68th Street/Lexington.
Walk to the entrance on 69th Street, between Park and Lexington.

* sponsored by tiltfactor lab and eyespeak Art & Activism committee *

Tiltfactor Laboratory is the first academic center to focus on social activist games with the mission to research and develop software and art that creates rewarding, compelling, and socially-responsible interactions, with a focus on inventive game design for social change. (