WORKSHOP - Art, Robotics and Artificial Life

  • Type: event
  • Starts: Apr 4 2007 at 12:00AM
:: Art, Robotics and Artificial Life

The VIDA WORKSHOP series has been created to promote the production of artwork that addresses the concept of Artificial Life. These workshops will be given by some of VIDA’s award-winning artists. Through discussion and hands-on explorations using technological tools participants will further develop their appreciation of artificial life from an artistic perspective.

The first workshop will be given by France Cadet, first-prize winner of VIDA 6.0 for “Dog (Lab) 01”. She will explain how she performed behavior-changing modifications on I-Cybies robotic dogs. Participants will have the opportunity to create their own dog by dismantling and hacking into default features with C programming, and soldering new electronic components into robot dogs. These new creations will all be displayed on the last day of the workshop.

This workshop is open to artists, technophiles, inventors or anyone interested in the intersection of art, technology and cognitive sciences.

//Dates: April 12-14, 2007

10.30 a.m. - 2.00p.m.
4.00p.m. - 6.00 p.m.

//Number of Participants: 12

//Application Requirements:
Interests in the workshop

//Application’s contact:
E-mail to angeles.perezmuela[at]
Phone: +34 91 584 23 05

//Deadline for applications: April 4, 2007

Fundacion Telefonica Exhibition Rooms
Gran Via 28, Madrid

//Language of the workshop: English

//Workshop Coordination and Participants Selection: Monica Bello Bugallo

This workshop is FREE