• Type: event
  • Starts: Jan 2 2007 at 12:00AM
Event: “Piemonte Share Festival 2007”
Festival of culture and arts linked to the new media and digital technologies
When: from Tuesday, 23rd January to Sunday, 28th January 2007
Where: Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti main premises
Via Accademia Albertina, 6 - Torino
website: www.toshare.it e.mail [email protected]

Piemonte Share Festival is a five-day event dedicated to the relationship between the arts and digital innovation /new media.
The Festival runs parallel with the Universiade and is part of the programme connected to the sporting event.
Now in its 3rd year, the Festival will host an exhibition, conferences, meetings, round tables, workshops and live performances. The event will be the size of a soft-rave (a lite version of a rave) or collective party where the magic of the moment creates an atmosphere of festivity and fun, creative exchange and different types of involvement with the audience: artistic, recreational, dance, cultural and up-beat.
The arts and digital culture are expressions of a heritage of knowledge and creative languages that live through connections (network), international knowledge exchange, interdisciplinary contact, cross-media interaction, multimedia projects and computer collaboration. This new configuration means they vary from earlier creative expressions to the so-called Information Technology era.
All admission to the Festival is totally free and the conferences will be both in Italian and English.
The theme will be: Digital Affinity/Communities Now
Every year a transversal theme impacts the Festival contents, from conferences to performances, via a sampler of creative expressions applied to digital technologies (art, music, live performance, interactive installations, 3D animation, software art). The theme of the 3rd Festival is Digital Affinity/Communities Now that will be presented through taking a look at processes that regulate Communities within creative and innovative processes via meetings and round tables.

Communities today are one of the paradigms that drive transformation by collectively moving into the era of knowledge and information. Communities are multipliers of intelligence, because they give value to individual skills and become engines of growth for society.
Communities then are not just new forms of aggregation, but a way of being and living, a collective and humanitarian project, a culture that links one billion and 80 million people today. The bonds between these people are not just geographical or family based, but inspired by cultural, ideological and political affinity.

Accademia Albertina Tuesday 23rd January 2007 from 6 to 10 pm
With aperitif and live performances

From Wednesday 24th to Sunday 28th January 2007
Various locations
In order to know how to read everything strategically, new points of view and new maps are needed.
The program for the “DIGITAL AFFINITY” conferences will be useful to better understand the dynamics within the communities on the following themes: creativity and innovation, art and culture, music and live performance, information and journalism social networking, on line games, architecture and design, openness and digital divides, governance of the Internet and democracy.

The lecturers are: Geert Lovink, Bruce Sterling, Alessandro Ludovico, Antonio Caronia, Tatiana Bazzichelli, Alberto Abruzzese, Sergio Messina, Bruno Ruffilli, Matteo Pasquinelli, Paolo Atzori AND MORE….

Note: Symposium “Internet Governance Forum after Atene: the bill of rights for the Web”, curated by Fiorello Cortiana and Anna Masera with Stefano Rodota, Franco Carlini, Angelo Raffaele Meo, Juan Carlos De Martin, Vittorio Bertola, Arturo Di Corinto, Laura Sartori, Filippo Penati, Andrea Bairati.

Go to www.toshare.it for the detailed conference programme.

Share Award 2007
From Wednesday 24th to Sunday 28th January 2007
Accademia Albertina
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from: 10 am - 8 pm /Saturday, Sunday from: 2-8 pm

The works of the six Share Prize 2007 finalists will be exhibited in the Accademia Albertina exhibition rooms. The works that have been selected for the final phase are:

Sensity - The Emergent City - Steven Tanza (U.K.)
Mikroorchestra.com Mikro Orchestra Project (Poland)
Amazon-noir.com UBERMORGEN.COM - Paolo Cirio - Alessandro Ludovico (AT,USA,IT)
The Analog Color Field Computer Gregory Shakar (USA)
Shockbot Corejulio 5VOLTCORE (Austria)


Wednesday 24th January 2007

Round table at 5.30 pm “The imaginary moulded by social network ” with Regine Debatty and Simon Goldin (The Port - Second Life).
Spazio Espositivo “Azimut”, Piazza Palazzo di Citta 8, Torino

Semapedia.org Project

At 7 pm inauguration of the Spazio Espositivo “Azimut” , Piazza Palazzo di Citta 8, Torino
Round table at 8 pm “The map is (not) the territory ”
On show every day from 12 am to 7 pm.
Semapedia.org is a no-profit community project. The aim is to connect the virtual and physical worlds by linking a dedicated physical area with information available on Wikipedia.

Thursday 25th January 2007

Mikro Orchestra Project (Poland) AKA Gameboyzz Orchestra Project, is an artistic collective founded in 2001 by the context of WRO Media Art Centre based in Poland. The project tackles the theme of adapting a popular technology - the Gameboy Console - to creative trials.
From 11 pm
AB+, on the corners of via Egidi and via della Basilica, Torino

Friday 26th January 2007

Aperitif and meeting dedicated to video game multi-players to play over a LAN (Local Area Network) where players can share the passion of the multiplayer “challenge” and put his/her own skills to the test. But LAN\_PARTY is not just this: first and foremost it’s a party, with everything that it involves: dance and fun. It’s a chance to support initiatives and promote ideas, where the meeting of sport and e-sport begins.
Organised by clan-hostin MxB, a community of players from Turin.
From 11 pm
The Beach°, Murazzi del Po - Torino

Saturday 27th January 2007

This is music between reality and science fiction, for creativity that knows no limit. This is the journey-concert that Japanese artist Suguru Goto presents. In fact, the concert is a journey to the edge of sound, where music takes life from the “Virtual Musical Instrument”; these are virtual tools in the shape of interfaces that manage the relationship between human gestures and the computer, producing and then turning sounds and images into real time. Body-suite for musician-dancers, robot violins and devices that are ready to capture any type of signal and translate it into sonorous, musical and visual action. Suguru Goto’s music starts here, from this magic and technological universe.
From 8 pm
Casa UNIVERSIADI, Piazzale Aldo Moro,Torino

This music event is central to many musical scenes that represent excellence in contemporary IDM despite frequenting underground circuits.
With digital technologies all artists can easily and globally find and increase their own public. The artists presented here share backgrounds of creative trials and running their own shows. Each of them collaborates on or has founded their own netlabel in order to distribute their own music in complete and creative freedom.
Alongside three international artists, LACKLUSTER, AZ-ROTATOR, and the underground-star CYLOB there will also be two labels from Turin, Illogik Records and Tonimusic.

Magazzino di Giancarlo - Murazzi del Po - Torino
From 11 pm
After-hour, Doctor Sax - Murazzi del Po - Torino
From 5:00 am (after-hour)

General information:

The Festival runs from
23rd to 28th January 2007

Locations for the Festival:

Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti, via Accademia Albertina 6, Torino
Laboratorio Multimediale Guido Quazza - Facolta di Scienze della Comunicazione, Universita di Torino Palazzo Nuovo, Torino
Casa UNIVERSIADI, Piazzale Aldo Moro, Torino
Camera di Commercio di Torino, via Carlo Alberto 16, Torino
Spazio Espositivo AZIMUT, Piazza Palazzo di Citta 8, Torino
AB+, Via Egidi angolo via della Basilica, Torino
The Beach°, Murazzi del Po, Torino
Magazzino di Giancarlo - Murazzi del Po, Torino
Dottor Sax - Murazzi del Po, Torino

The Crew
Simona Lodi, artistic director: [email protected]
Chiara Garibaldi, director general: [email protected]
Manuela De Caro, general coordinator: [email protected]
Luca Barbeni, curator: [email protected]

The Sharing, via Rossini 3 -10124 -Turin
Tel., 011.5883693 www.toshare.it

Per images of the event: [email protected]
For the Festival logo: [email protected]
Go to www.toshare.it for the complete programme