Call for Proposal : "Artist as Activist"

Call for proposal
"Artist as Activist"
Middle October,2007

Deadline :October 25th,2006

We'd like to invite artists or artist group to international performance art event "Artist as Activist" which will take place in Tokyo in middle October 2007.The aim of event is to create new relationship to society and the city of Tokyo. With cultural deference we can discovery how to live with others together. We welcome any type of action art and project art, Not only live performance at the gallery, but also off-site action in the street or public space. Of course it is depend on your proposal. As an artist and As an activist, we want to create new scene of action art. Unfortunately we cannot offer you travel expense and any finance support. We don't return your proposal material.

There are following 3 sections;
A : City project
All of projects in the public space or the
street are welcome.
B : Live Performance art
New performance works are welcome.
C : Video screening of performance art
Documentations of performance art or