Emotional garbage needed for digital landfill

Soul Recovery Systems is an interactive, creative and free “emotional garbage” service providing people with an opportunity to rid themselves of objects that hinder their lives. SRS accepts objects in any form as long as there are sincere emotional connections attached to them. That said, all objects given to SRS must include an object release form: http://www.soulrecoverysystems.com/pdf/SRS%20object%20release%20form.pdf where the releaser must enter their reason for desired disposal. Once objects and reasons for disposal have been received, they are put under intense observation for SRS to determine the best possible method of release.
In the end, a photograph of each object, reasons for release, and videos of each object release are uploaded to the digital landfill where the less burdened can view their once hindering objects in digital form.

Here is the link to the SRS website: www.soulrecoverysystems.com/
And make sure to check out the digital landfill:
http://www.soulrecoverysystems.com/landfill (more release videos and
objects will be uploaded daily).
If you are interested in participating, please see the disposal page http://www.soulrecoverysystems.com/disposal or email us at [email protected]