Peek! July 7th public art projefct opening Greenpoint

Peek! Rebecca Hackemann's first public art project opens on Friday June 7th 7-9pm.

Debora Gallery Window -
1080 Manhattan Avenue (between Eagle and Dupont)
Greenpoint, Brooklyn, 11222
L to Bedford Ave and short B61 bus ride (or walk) - or G to Greenpoint Avenue.

curated by David Gibson/Article Projects


Rebecca Hackemann is transforming the window and creating a an optical installation for David Gibson's new Article Projects window, which will be blocked off – only peepholes will remain which the viewer must peep into. The window will become a 'spectacle' to be seen upclose on the street by passersby. Behind the peepholes are new three dimensional stereo constructed black and white photographs that reflect a critical, humorous and questioning view of the world seen layered through the lens of a future memory of a fictional place. The viewer is prompted to "peek, "look" or "see" and thus becomes a participant, a performer and a challenger within the Cartesian structure of vision.More at