Consciousness Reframed: art & consciousness in the post-biological era

Consciousness Reframed: art & consciousness in the post-biological era

Consciousness Reframed: art & consciousness in the post-biological era
is an international research conference that was first convened in
1997, and is now in its 8th incarnation. It is a forum for
transdisciplinary inquiry into art, technology and consciousness,
drawing upon the expertise and insights of artists, architects,
performers, musicians, writers, scientists, and scholars, usually from
at least 20 countries. Recent past conferences were convened in
Beijing and Perth Western Australia. Last year the conference, with
sixty-six presentations, was organized under the rubric of Altered
States, a theme that will be continued this year. Papers are also
invited which will explore the theme of Immateriality. As last year,
the conference will be held on the main campus of the University of
Plymouth, England. The conference will include researchers associated
with the Planetary Collegium, which has its CAiiA