Upgrade! w/Cynthia Beth Rubin and Bob Gluck, Thurs, Feb 23

Cynthia Beth Rubin & Bob Gluck
Eyebeam, Thursday, February 23, 7:30 PM
540-548 west 21st street (bet 10 & 11 Ave)

Dear all,

Join us for a conversation with Cynthia Beth Rubin and Bob Gluck at Eyebeam.

Cynthia Beth Rubin and Bob Gluck will discuss their conception and construction of "Layered Histories" and converse about the joys and pains of collaboration between a visual artist and a composer in a work that required a complex meshing of skills and concepts. They will also
describe their respective previous works incorporating themes of Jewish cultural heritage, and explore how their ideas about the underpinnings of culture informed this collaboration, as well as the 1998 animation Inherited Memories, by Rubin, with music by Gluck (to be shown at the upcoming LA Jewish Film Festival).

"Layered Histories" is an interactive work weaving sounds and images associated with the wanderings of a 13th century Spanish illuminated Hebrew Bible. Using a stylus as a reading pointer, the viewer explores the surface of a "book", triggering short moving "paintings" and layered sounds, ranging from representational to abstract. Pointer movements influence the choice of material and the speed and direction of playback, opening space for personal reflection and association.

"Layered Histories: the Wandering Bible of Marseilles" is currently on exhibit at the Fine Family Gallery of the Atlanta JCC, through April 23.


Bob Gluck is a composer and performer of interactive sound installation and performance. His work includes 'Sounds of a Community' (2001