jihui Digital Salon presents Cory Arcangel -- Thurs. Nov. 17, 6-8 PM

jihui Digital Salon
in cooperation with The Project Room@Chelsea Art Museum
Cory Arcangel

Thursday Nov. 17, 2005 - 6-8 PM
Chelsea Art Museum, 3rd Floor
556 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 10011


Cory Arcangel will be discussing his recent works and collaborations, as well as future projects, including the music group Van Led, a self-produced version of MTV cribz, and various assorted computer hacks. His presentation will include topics as varied as Simon and Garfunkel, google, Biggie Smalls, AOL IM, and homemade video games.

Cory Arcangel is a computer artist, performer, and curator who lives and works in Brooklyn. His work centers on his love of personal computers and the Internet. He is a member of the artist groups BEIGE and R.S.G. His work has been shown in the 2004 Whitney Biennial; The Guggenheim Museum, New York; the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Migros Museum in Zurich; and Team and Deitch galleries in New York. Except for gallery installations, most of his projects can be downloaded with source code from his website

jihui (the meeting point), a self-regulated digital salon, invites all interested people to send ideas for discussion/performance/etc.
jihui is where your voice is heard and your vision shared.
jihui is a joint public program by NETART INITIATIVE and INTELLIGENT AGENT
http://www.netart-init.org | http://www.intelligentagent.com
THE PROJECT ROOM is a special projects and education program at the Chelsea Art Museum that brings together international artists, curators, cultural, educational and corporate organizations.