The Hotmails Performance

Performance: Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 8:00 pm
Helen Pitt Gallery

The Hotmails

The Hotmails is an Internet punk project produced by internationally exhibiting
Media Artists Alberto Guedea (Mexico) and Jeremy Turner (Canada).
For this project, Turner and Guedea perform as an Internet punk band in
attempts to evolve Internet Art from that of a dry archival database to a
rebellious purveyor of direct experience―as performance art.

The Hotmails audio works are computerized compositions made out of samples
taken from classic and contemporary punk and metal bands that accentuate
and investigate the nostalgic cliches surrounding the Punk aesthetic and sensibility.
Considered the first VoIPUNK project on the Net, The Hotmails stream from
Vancouver, through the Hotmail voice-chat service MSN and other Voice-Over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) platforms (Skype, Google Talk), to galleries, artist-run
centres and happenings around the world.

Helen Pitt Gallery
102-148 Alexander Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V6A 1B5 Canada
T: (604) 681-6740