media art in public urban space

media art in public urban space

Octtober 1 - 31st, 2005

29th minute: Honeybyte  - 'BLEURY'
59th minute: Risa Horowitz - 'STUDIOPACE'
Year Zero One is pleased to present TRANSMEDIA :29:59, a year long exhibition on the pedestrian level video billboard at Yonge-Dundas Square in downtown Toronto. Launched August 1st 2005, TRANSMEDIA :29:59 features one minute video works 24/7 every half hour on the 29th and
59th minutes.

Featured for the month of October is Risa Horowitz's 'Studiopace' & Honeybytes 'Bleury'.
Risa Horowitz's 'Studiopace' is a 60 second video in honour of those thoughtful moments an artist has alone in studio, and the hustle and bustle of passersby at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto's downtown core. A bit of corresponding banality, of killing time, of getting somewhere on important business, of getting nowhere at all, and an homage to Bruce Nauman's old studio experiments conducted partially out of boredom and a love for absurd repetition. thanks for Prefix Photo

Honeybyte¹s 'Bleury' is a layering of two different video sequences, which juxtapose perceptions of the urban landscape and the innocent yet inquisitive eyes of children.The first sequence keeps in mind the site-specific nature of the work.  It documents a night at the intersection of Ste. Catherine and Bleury streets in Montreal, where the commercial and entertainment districts collide.  The sequence captures the aesthetic of Montreal¹s urban landscape.  Lights, cars, billboards and people infuse the landscape and overwhelm the senses. The second sequence, which is layered over the first, is of school children
in a garden looking deeply into the camera lens.  Their gazes are filled with naivety, and yet seem to convey an energetic and mischievous curiosity

YEAR ZERO ONE is an on-line artist run centre which operates as a
network for the dissemination of digital culture and new media through
web based exhibitions, site-specific public art projects, an extensive
media arts directory, and the Year01 Forum.