These Days and Paint Box at Dam, Stuhltrager Gallery

  • Type: event
  • Starts: Jul 23 2005 at 12:00AM
Main Gallery: These Days
Paintings by Jeff Schneider

Collectors' Rm: Paint Box
Paintings by Cristobal Dam

Dates: July 23- August 28
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 23, 8-10pm


(WILLIAMSBURG, BROOKLYN) In a fast paced world of production, "post studio" has reinvigorated a rather antiquated innovation. Apprentices, schools and studio assistants have long established relationships distancing the attributed artist’s hand from the art. It’s a bankable trend, a new moniker reanimates an old picture. Don’t fret, innovation is on the East River’s horizon. Take a look at what’s happened in Brooklyn while you were at the market… Currently in Williamsburg, there is reputedly the most concentrated artist population in the world. Streets pump with fresh blood and electricity of the hottest emerging names spilled from studios manned by (Look, an American Buffalo doing something I’ve never seen! Get the camera!) artists creating next season with their own two hands.
Brooklyn specializes in exporting art, music and film to Chelsea and beyond.

This summer, Dam, Stuhltrager Gallery introduces new series from two painters who paint paintings.

Jeff Schneider gathers a diverse crowd on canvas to explore meanings transferred through association and a painting’s ability to dispute such shallowness. Cowboys in saddles, a borrowed portrait, posed still life and olive scenery are given room and strength to hold their own identity in a single canvas. In Schneider’s paintings, independent fields of unlikely imagery inherently push for distance amongst themselves. Sophisticatedly staged by the artist, the frictional, fictional struggle among the paintings’ components creates the visual depth necessitated for the common good. Schneider’s paintings challenge limitations of linear representation and linear thinking that draws inferences through association in our society "These Days".
In Cristobal Dam’s "Paint Box", the artist expands his 8" x 8*’ minimalist graphics of a box into a commentary on Land Art. His canvases are cartoons, a satire upon giant environments, small images expressing the same ambitions of a massive square mile production. Layers of underpainting and coats of varnish in Dam’s paintings work together to reflect a single object in a single place, manipulated landscapes which do not overstate that viewing art is a transcendent experience.

Dam, Stuhltrager makes it easy for you to catch up on your summer viewing. Jump off your horse and drive, fly- Hell, at this late in the game, roll up your pant leg and hitchhike- into Brooklyn circa 2005. The scenic route on Manhattan I-950's expressway and the Soho 80's freeway is highly recommended, although to make the best time over long distances visit this exhibit online at after August 1st.

DIRECTIONS: L to Lorimer. Exit near token booth. Take Metropolitan under BQE. Left on Marcy. Distance from train: 3 bl

Contact: Dam, Stuhltrager Gallery
38 Marcy Ave. Brooklyn. NY 11211
[email protected]