The Horizon is Dead, Long Live the Horizon

Horizons, as interpreted by Romantic painters, Westerns, or space programs, are locations imbued with a sense of radical potential. At a time when the flooding of the planet seems inevitable, a fascination with horizons can function equally as a doomsday obsession or a psychically necessary escapist fantasy. “The Horizon is Dead, Long Live the Horizon” seeks to engage multiple representations of horizons, perspectival or otherwise. Videos not in excess of twenty minutes are requested for submission to a screening/exhibit to be held at multiple venues, including the 2009 SMart Festival in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Send final versions of videos in dvd or .mov format with a current resume. Postmark deadline August 31. Please direct any questions to [email protected]; send all materials to:
Anna Campbell
Art and Design Department
1105 Calder Art Center
1 Campus Drive
Allendale, MI 49401