It’s open the subscription to the 3° edition of the Share Prize 2009.
The main requisite for participating in the competition is to create a work in which digital technology is applied as a language of creative expression. There is no limitation to shape and format, combinations with analogical technologies and/or any other material (eg computer animation / visual effects, digital music, interactive art, net art, software art, live cinema, audiovisual performance, etc.).

A short list of no more than six finalists will be announced within November 2008.
The award candidates are invited to participate in the 5th edition of Share Festival in Torino that will be from 24th till 29th march 2009.
The six competitors, chosen from all the participants, will exhibit the work they have entered in the competition, during the Festival.

A Jury will award a prize of Euro 2,500 to the work (published or not) that best represents experimentation of arts and new technologies.

The jury is:
Andy Cameron (creative director department Interactive Design Fabrica) - president of the jury
Bruce Sterling (writer and journalist, Austin)
Emma Quinn (curator at Institute of Contemporary Arts, London)
Giovanni Ferrrero (president Accademia delle Belle Arti, Torino)
Rosina Gomez-Baez (director Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijon)