Peter Greenaway at the EMAF

  • Type: event
  • Starts: Apr 23 2005 at 12:00AM
The EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL is proud to present one of the most distinguished and influential filmmaker, media philosopher and artist of the world: PETER GREENAWAY.
In a live talk on Saturday, April 23rd, Greenaway presents his latest multimedia mammoth project The Tulse Luper Suitcases (TLS) and explains his vision of "post-cineastic film".

"The Tulse Luper Suitcases", Greenaway's latest multimedia mammoth project, is a work of encyclopaedic dimension which, spanning a period of sixty years, tells the story of uranium - no. 92 in the periodic table of the elements. It is also the story of the artist and writer Tulse Luper, whose life and times are reconstructed from the contents of 92 suitcases that turn up one after the other across the world. Greenaway recounts this life by means of books, DVDs, an internet platform, an exhibition, 16 TV films and three motion picture films. It tells the story of ficticious artist and writer Tulse Luper, who entangled in the historic events of the 20th century spends most of his life in various prisons, leaving behind an oeuvre of 92 suitcases.
Greenaway will introduce the project and present the three motion picture films that are part of The Tulse Luper Suitcases - The Moab Story (2003), From Sark to Finish (2003) and Vaux to the Sea (2004) - in person at the EMAF.
In a Live Talk he will explain his vision of “post-cineastic film“. At the congress of the EMAF his co-workers will describe the projected TLS-exhibition and the internet platform. In EMAF Ausstellung in the Dominikanerkirche visitors can play at three terminals of the „Tulse Luper Suitcases - The Game“ and this re-live episodes of the title hero’s life.

For the 18th time, one of the greatest European media art events will be taking place in Osnabrueck, from April 20th to 24th: over a period of five days, the EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL (EMAF) will present current trends and the latest developments in international media art. Apart from multimedia installations and latest works from the field of digital media the EMAF shows an extensive programme of experimental films and videos.