2024 OPEN CALL - Apply to lead a compensated workshop

POWRPLNT is launching our next open call for collaborators in 2024. We're seeking teaching artists, creatives, and entrepreneurs across all disciplines who are interested in leading a compensated workshop this coming year. 
* We accept both Virtual and In-Person proposals.

The call will remain open until November, 26th, 2023. APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THIS DATE.

In 2024, POWRPLNT will be focusing on 
✧ tech skills for artists
✧ career development for creative professionals
✧ portfolio building
✧ communication and writing for creators
✧ and leadership and business expertise as it applies to the arts

* Proposals related to these topics will be prioritized, though they are not limited to these subjects.
Intersectionality is key! 

A strong practice, commitment to growth, innovative thinking, and professionalism are some of the qualities we seek in our workshop leaders.  

What would YOU like to see more of in your creative community?