Calabar Imports Christmas Sale

  • Type: event
  • Starts: Dec 7 2004 at 12:00AM
Calabar Imports
Christmas Sale

at 820 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn
(between Lincoln Place and St. Johns Place in Prospect Heights)

We are having our first Christmas Sale from Thursday December 9 - 23, 2004. Get a $10 discount if you purchase $100 in items.

Calabar Imports is a specialty gift shop retailing imported home furnishings, unique jewelry, distinct fashion items and brand cosmetics in Brooklyn. We offer African, Asian and South American items this Christmas.


Calabar Imports is an idea that evolved and was tested at Black Expo, Street Fairs and various locations across New York and Connecticut at the beginning of summer 2004 into the fall 2004…Now it's a reality.

Please keep your day free and stop by…We are located at:

820 Washington Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Shop Telephone: 718-638-4288

RSVP - 718-832-6804 to say, yes…
but not necessary.
Bring your family and friends…and feel free to forward this to others

Atim Oton and Heloise Oton

Directions to Calabar Imports:

BY SUBWAY: Take the 2 or 3 to Eastern Parkway/Brooklyn Museum. Transfers to the 2 and 3 are available from the 4 and 5 (at Nevins Street) and the B, D, Q, N, R, and LIRR (at Atlantic Avenue/Pacific Street).

BY BUS: B71 in front of the Brooklyn Museum; B41 and B69 at Grand Army Plaza; B48 at Franklin Avenue and Eastern Parkway…And walk towards Washington Avenue…and head in the direction away from the Museum.