Cell-Outs and Phonies at Los Angeles Center for Digital Art

  • Type: event
  • Starts: Aug 6 2004 at 12:00AM
(please add to calander, I think we already did an annoucement but I forgot to do the calander part. thanks! rex bruce )

Los Angeles Center For Digital Art presents:

"Cell-outs and Phonies"
an exhibition of cell phone media

August 6-27
Opening Reception
Friday August 6, 7-11pm

As the digital world grows to encompass all aspects of our life, we see the
gadgets of our day-to-day existence evolving into expressive art mediums. The advent of cell phones with built-in cameras has sprung a revolution in
photography and digital filmmaking; its accessibility is eliminating the boundaries between amateur and professional. Examining the line where art and technology intersect, Cell-outs and Phonies, explores this new way of creating and experiencing digital art.

Short films will be shown on LCDs and projected while other images are
printed, up-linked or never removed from the actual phone.

The opening reception will feature music assembled entirely with ring tones by German experimental group Super Smart and continuous screenings of cell phone videos.

Curated by
Laura Merians

Featuring local and international artists
David Zulaica
Krista Connerly
Mark Beck
Gina Clyne
Scott Myers
Michael Szpakowski
Brett Simon
Al B. Sure